Meet the Incoming 2019 Counselors

We are very excited to welcome our counselors who have arrived at Camp to begin training. We are very thankful to have counselors from a diverse set of interests, educational and professional backgrounds. It’s with their hard work that Camp runs smoothly while they help to guide campers through the program. Counselors have traveled from all over the world just to be part of what is sure to be an incredible season. Here is a glimpse of a few of the talented individuals who will be joining us at Camp this summer.

Meet our Counselors

Jonas (‘11) - Wilderness Counselor

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My name is Jonas. I will be working as a Wilderness counselor at camp this summer. I have been a scout since I was six years old and have always had a great passion for the outdoor life. Also, I was a volunteer scout leader for five years, before starting university in 2016. I am studying Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng.) at Aarhus University, Denmark but spent the past semester as an exchange student at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.

I love meeting and working with new people from different cultural backgrounds. This was one of my main reasons to apply for a position as a counselor at CRS. I was a camper myself back in 2011. Today I am involved in the work of the Danish alumni association – another main reason to go back to camp to give back and be part of the Camp spirit again.

While at Camp I hope to be introduced to new exciting hobbies and interests of campers and co-counselors. I also hope to share my love for teamwork activities, outdoor cooking, hiking and more with people at camp. Another goal for me is to encourage and help campers see themselves and their surroundings from different perspectives. This is one of the ways Camp has impacted me – and still does.

I can’t wait to get the season started and to meet all the campers and staff!


Darrio (‘13) - Athletics Counselor


Hello, my name is Darrio, I am from Barbados and I will be this season’s Athletics Counselor. I was a camper at Red Hook in 2013 and 2014. I enjoy playing the sport of basketball, performing and writing spoken word and poetry. I also love just being outdoors. I chose to be a counselor because I wanted to experience Camp from another perspective since I was already a camper and to hone my teaching abilities while learning from others. My goals while I am at Camp are to become a better teacher and learner whilst educating campers about the Caribbean; specifically Barbados. Since the island and the Caribbean are not vast areas campers may not have an idea where Barbados is or the history of the Caribbean. Another goal of mine is to show campers their potential through sporting activities and showing those who may have an interest in sports, the mental and physical benefits it can have. I would also like to leave a lasting impression on the campers just as the counselors in my years as a camper did for me.

Jorge (‘10 & ‘11) - Music Counselor

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Hi! My name is Jorge and I am absolutely thrilled to be a counselor at CRS this summer. It’s been a long while, but 9 years after being a camper for the first time, and 8 summers after my second year at camp, it seems the moment has finally arrived: I am going to be at Camp once again, this time as a counselor. I had been meaning to do so for so long, but I had not been able to apply up until now due to university constraints.

I chose to become a counselor because I felt it was my opportunity, but also my responsibility, to give back to the community that has given me so much throughout this time. Words can’t even begin to describe how much I have benefited from CRS, all the things I have learned, how it has opened my mind to new ideas and cultures, and the many long-lasting friendships I have made.

So, this summer I want to be able to inspire young leaders. I would love to create a safe, respectful and above all, fun environment for all the campers, full of unforgettable memories. It is such an honor and a responsibility to work at CRS, so I am committed to being a role model for campers, and also I expect to learn from them and have lots of fun throughout the summer!

Tiffany (‘16) - Journalism & World Affairs Counselor

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Hello everyone! My name is Tiffany, and I'm a rising sophomore at Cornell University studying English and Information Science. Other interests of mine include dancing, digital art, and raccoons. I attended CRS in 2016, and I'm super excited to return as one of the World Affairs and Journalism counselors this year.

The summer I spent at Camp was a truly life changing experience. I remember returning home feeling as though I had a new excitement to learn about the world, connect with its people, and strive to make it a better place. This summer, one of my goals is to help ignite this excitement in a new generation of campers. In particular, I want to emphasize the importance of honest and genuine storytelling in today's world. I hope to encourage campers to ask questions and think for themselves, especially during such a media reliant era.

My ultimate goal, however, is to just enjoy the time I get to spend at Camp and help do what I can to make it a magical summer for everyone on the hill. See you guys soon!