The Louis August Jonas Foundation

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Introducing our 2018 Counselors

We are very excited to welcome our counselors who have arrived at Camp to begin training. We are very thankful to have counselors from a diverse set of interests, educational and professional backgrounds. It’s with their hard work that Camp runs smoothly while they help to guide campers through the program. Counselors have traveled from all over the world just to be part of what is sure to be an incredible season. Our counselors include a dynamic mix of past alumni and newcomers who are excited to meet our new Campers. Here is a glimpse at a few of the talented individuals who will be joining us at Camp this summer.


Meet our Counselors

Shannon (‘13) - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) focus

I am a rising junior at Yale University majoring in computer science. I have a passion for STEM education and strive to use the skills and knowledge I gain in technology to make a difference in our world. Outside of my roles as a student, I am also a musician, a writer, and an adventurer.

I am excited to see what has changed (and what has remained the same) since my summer at Camp Rising Sun. I can’t wait to meet this year’s campers, to hear their stories and to watch them grow. I am especially excited to see the kinds of Instructions and Projects the campers decide to work on this summer.

I was a Camper at Camp Rising Sun in 2013 and it was a truly transformative experience. I was introduced to great leadership, made unbreakable connections, and gained a better understanding of the world around me. As I have continued to grow as an individual, I wanted the opportunity to return to camp with all of the knowledge and skills I have gained and pass them on to another group of shining individuals as they do the same for me.

One of my goals for the summer is to introduce the campers to those STEM fields they might not have the opportunity to explore in their high schools. For example, computer science, cognitive science, engineering and research. I want to show them the importance of diversity within STEM fields and encourage them all to explore these fields to the fullest possible extent.


Tom (‘12, ‘13) General Counselor

My name is Tom Jones, I am currently finishing a dual apprenticeship as an HR consultant. I went to camp in 12' and  13'.

I am most excited to hug my brothers and sisters from 2012 that I haven't seen in years. Furthermore, I’m excited to form an assembly circle, sing welcome songs, and just enjoy every day Camp life. I can not wait to wake up to drumming again and my last words of the day to be a loud “How How” to whoever plays the trumpet at night. To be in this absolutely magical environment once more in my life, excites me so much I can not put it in words.

I applied for being a counselor because I wanted to go back to Camp first and foremost, and to give back to the CRS community in some way as it has done so much for me. Looking at my experience as a camper from a different angle is also something that really interests me. I believe that my experience as a counselor will give me insight into my own personality as well. Camp is therefore not only an amazing way to spend the summer for me, but also a great way for me to learn new things, get to know amazing people, and foster my role in the CRS community.

I am looking forward to encouraging campers to think in different ways by giving an Instruction about Effective Altruism. I have been a member of Effective Altruism for about a year now and it has been greatly beneficial for me, especially concerning finding job fulfillment by "donating" 80,000 hours of my career to a cause that I find valuable to work for. I want to challenge campers to make their own choices on what is valuable to them, and present a way of thinking that can have a real positive effect on the world. I would also like to give an Instruction about Shaolin Kung Fu or martial arts in general, as a way to express yourself fully and to be present in your body is something really valuable.

The photo attached shows me (on the right) with my camp brothers from 2012 Noud van Damme from the Netherlands and Yuki Sekimori from Japan, at the Dutch Reunion we attended together this year.


Olivia (‘14, ‘15)Art Counselor

I’m so excited for the amazing atmosphere that everyone at Camp commits to building together! There is nothing more special than the intense vulnerability and expression that Camp elicits and the safe community there to respect it.

I applied to be a counselor because I wanted to give a little back to the place that has helped me grow into the person I am today.

I am so excited to work as the art counselor this summer. A few of my goals are to create a safe place for expression, inspire those who have always loved the arts and those who have had little exposure to practice, as well as share art around camp in all spaces!


Samuel (‘11, ‘12)  Projects counselor

My name is Samuel. I'm from Spain. I study Telecommunications and Engineering. I love exercising, reading and driving while raining.

I am most excited for watching how the new campers grow up as leaders and how Camp changes them the same way I changed and became more mature.

I applied to be a counselor because I felt it was the correct time to give to camp what it gave to me. Also there is this kind of "campsick" you get after a long time away from it.

One of my goals is for every Camper to feel excited and eager to participate in projects. That they can not only express themselves, but that they can seek to build something they are passionate about or they feel Camp definitely needs.