The Louis August Jonas Foundation

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Selector Spotlight: At-Large

Camper Selection for the 2023 camp season is about to begin and volunteers across the globe are preparing to select the newest cohort of Rising Suns!

We reached out to Tiffany Liu (Missouri) ‘16, ‘19, ‘22 and Annie Lei (Canada) ‘16, the co-chairs of the At-Large Selection Committee, to share a bit about their involvement in the selection process.

Hello! My name is Tiffany, and I was a camper in 2016 and the World Affairs and Journalism counselor in 2019 and 2022. I’ve been involved with the At-Large Selection committee since 2017 and began coordinating it with Annie in 2020. I was also a LAJF Fellow in the summer of 2020! Although I’m originally from Missouri, I attended university in New York, where I studied English and Information Science with a minor in Media Studies. I recently relocated to the Pacific Northwest to work in the tech industry as a technical writer, with the hopes of eventually transitioning into more creative writing.

Hi! I’m Annie, and I was also a camper in 2016 (proud to be the first of many more Canadians hopefully!). Soon after my time as a camper came to an end, my journey with the At-Large Selection committee started, first as a selector and then as co-chair since 2020. I was born in a small town in Western Québec, but I’ve been living in Montréal most of my life. I’m currently a fourth-year pharmacy student at Université de Montréal, and I’ll be working as a pharmacist starting next summer, or continuing my studies to work in a hospital setting!

How does Selection work for At-Large candidates (candidates from regions without selection committees)?

Annie: Generally, selection committees are organized by regional Alumni Associations. The At-Large Selection committee is responsible for applications from regions with no such Alumni Association, so we have a very wide and diverse pool of candidates (often over 30 countries!). Our committee is made up of former campers and/or staff from all over the world who generously set some time aside to participate in the selection process. 

Each At-Large application is first reviewed by 2 selectors, and based on comments left by the reviewers, a number of candidates move onto the next round. Then, selectors pair up and reach out to shortlisted applicants to schedule interviews, each lasting about 30 to 45 minutes. Interviews are conducted via video call and allow us to get to know candidates better. Once interviews are concluded, we get to the most difficult part of the selection process: the Final Deliberation, a meeting where the selection committee must decide which candidates should attend CRS this summer. We always have our work cut out for us since there are so many amazing candidates, much more than there are available spots.

What you enjoy most about volunteering in the selection process?

Annie: For the At-Large Selection committee particularly, selection is an amazing opportunity to meet bright, motivated youth from all over the world and learn about their culture, background and aspirations. The interviews we conduct often end up flowing like conversations between friends, and we can recall many meaningful exchanges we’ve had with candidates over the years.

Tiffany and I were both At-Large campers back in the day, so we don’t belong to an Alumni Association. Unless we can travel to attend alumni activities or become counselors (like Tiffany!), it isn’t always easy to remain involved with CRS. Selection allows us to stay connected to the CRS community and, through the selection committee, see old friends again or meet new ones. Talking about CRS to candidates during the selection process also allows us to reminisce about our time as campers and/or staff members at Camp!

Pictured above: Tiffany and Annie at Camp in 2016 representing At-Large regions

Why do you continue to support CRS and LAJF

Tiffany: The further I get from my time spent as a camper, the more I realize the tremendous impact that the CRS program has had on my life—to the point where I honestly don’t think I would be the same person I am now without it. From the way I approach others and express my identity, to my perspective on the world and society, everything has been shaped in some way by the people and ideas I encountered at Camp. Of the many summer camps and leadership programs I’ve seen throughout the years, CRS in particular stands out, as it gives campers not only the tools to succeed in this world, but the inspiration and determination to imagine and build a better one. I hope to continue giving back to the program for a long time, so that future generations may continue to benefit from the experience, its transformative potential, and its uncommon curriculum and mission!

Why do you think young people should apply to Camp Rising Sun?

Tiffany: There are many reasons why young people should apply to Camp, including the opportunity to make friends from around the world, learn new skills from a variety of disciplines, and grow outside of their comfort zone! Beyond this, however, I think the biggest reason to apply to CRS is the chance to experience something that can’t be easily found elsewhere in the world: a genuinely nurturing and supportive community that provides a space for all identities and walks of life, so that we may gain a deeper understanding of both ourselves and the way we are all interconnected. What’s more, through CRS, campers can get a chance to be a part of something much bigger than themselves and even their camp year—an alumni network and legacy that spans both space and time.

Thank you, Tiffany and Annie, for your involvement in Camper Selection! We cannot wait to meet the campers of 2023!

The 2023 Camper Application will be available soon! Click the button below to be notified when the application is available.

See this form in the original post