The Louis August Jonas Foundation

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Facing My Fears - Diyora's TELE 2023 Story

Facing Fears through TELE

Diyora D., TELE 2023, Uzbekistan

Before attending Camp Rising Sun’s virtual program, The Ethical Leadership Experience (TELE), Diyora wanted to find a way to help develop her confidence. She was looking forward to learn new skills and to have an outlet for her newfound interests in philosophy and economics.

“I was always so shy, completely introverted. Talking among a lot of people was the most difficult thing for me. I was excited for TELE to help me face my fears. After the program, public speaking turned into my favorite.”

One of the lessons that had the greatest impact on Diyora during the program explored the difference between sleep and rest. This lesson led to an understanding of both physical and mental well-being. She felt that TELE was a supportive environment to dive into these concepts, alongside encouraging facilitators like Emilia and Kim, and her peers.

“Exchange programs are the best way to learn about other countries' cultural backgrounds and traditions. Through collaborative tasks, you not only learn group work, but also you will have an opportunity to exchange ideas with others.”

After TELE, Diyora is inspired to share a lot of what she has learned with others and hopes to organize a conference in her hometown.

I have a lot of hopes for society and the world. The first one is to improve gender equality. I don't want to hear ‘you can't do’ said to girls.”

your support is vital to sustain our programs and ensure more young leaders like diyora have an opportunity to grow their confidence. PLEASE GIVE TODAY AND INVEST In our campers’ future and their visions for a more compassionate world.