The Louis August Jonas Foundation

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Connect professionally with CRS Alumni: Forum and LinkedIn

Often around the Council fire, we hear stories of alumni providing a life-long connections and support. There are countless examples of alumni offering a first job, free advice and when lucky, mentorship. These connections can happen organically through alumni associations and word-of-mouth or more directly with the help of LinkedIn. We encourage our alumni to share job opportunities and career expertise to make our community even more vibrant.

There are two easy ways to make meaningful professional connections with Camp Rising Sun alumni.  Back in the day, Freddie and Vera Brophy would send alumni questionnaires asking about job and apprenticeship opportunities that they could share with younger generations. Today we have the internet!

1.     Join the CRS Alumni Forum to talk at length about different career paths

The forum is the perfect place to ask people about their careers and to explore different options. If you want to share your personal experience and share your insight, this is your place. Current threads include: Employment at the UN, Sustainable Design, careers in the business world, becoming a pilot, Medicine, Humanitarian Aid, Teaching and many more!

2.     Join the Alumni of Camp Rising Sun group on Linkedin

This group is the ideal place to share job and internship opportunities. If you or your company are hiring, let the CRS community know. If you are looking for new opportunities, don’t be shy introduce yourself. You will be able to see other group members’ profiles to learn more about their experience.